Monday, May 10, 2010

Has anybody else noticed a change in the political atmosphere of the American government recently? America used to be know for freedom of expression, and freedom to speak openly about one's disagreement with those who are in political office. However, now it seems that that is no longer the case. Those who disagree are called racists, or nazis, or other names, or have the press show up at their front door, as was seen with Joe the Plumber. I still can't get over how quickly this country has deteriorated. I mean, after shoving health care down our throats, even though most people were against, including a lot of democrats, he who must not be named *cough, Obama* doesn't let up. Next, he wants to try and grant amnesty to all of the illegal aliens in this country, and MSNBC tries to compare Arizona cracking down on illegal immigration to hitler. I mean, since when is it bad to try to prevent "illegal" activity? Not only that, but in the future, obama wants to force through cap and trade. Oh joy, let'a all help the environment! But wait, is it really about the environment? Well, for those of you who actually want the truth on al gore, the inventor as it were on global warming, just do a little research, I've even gotten started for you... ... Also, cap and trade is another marxist ploy. It will allow poor companies to make more money, and force richer companies to make less, as the companies who need to pollute more will have to buy from those who plan on polluting less. Oh, and the awesome part? According to Obama, with cap and trade, the price of electricity will neccessarily skyrocket! I'm not making this up, he said it: Oh, and you all remember van jones, right, the weather under ground bomber? Well, guess what? Nancy Pelosi really likes the dude, and thinks he's pretty swell. Yeah, listen to what she has to say about it: And Anita Dunn is pretty capitalist too, huh, adoring the communist philosopher mao like she does? And it gets better, Obamas education czar Kevin Jennings is a supporter of NAMBLA, aka the North American Man Boy Love Association. And of course, there was the Church that Obama grew up in for years, and claimed he never realized was racist or hated America, the one that Reverend Wright preaches at. And then there's his new spiritual advisor, who claims that the church helping the poor isn'e enough, that people must be forced to give to the government, because the government knows better than the individual. I mean, I'm not saying flat out the guy (Obama) is a communist or socialist or whatever, although I personally think he is, but I am saying that if he's not, why is he constantly hanging around with a bunch of loons? As the old expression goes, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck...It's probably a duck.