Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sick of it all...

Hi blogosphere, sorry for not updating in forever. I've been struggling a lot with my own issues and sins, and as a result, felt like my testimony is pointless. Recently came to my senses and realized that that's just a lie the enemy wants me to believe.

I'm sick of all this hypocrisy, coming from INSIDE the church. Hypocrisy is people using religion to hide their own flaws that they are unwilling to change. I'm sick of people using the Bible to try to justify their own opinions, instead of looking at the Bible to form their opinions. I'm sick and tired of people trying to force their own personal convictions on me regarding everything from drinking to rated R movies to tattoos to piercings to clothing to dancing, etc. (See Romans 14). I'm sick and tired of people telling me to stop being sad about the lost and lonely, hurting, broken people in the world who either have never heard of Christ, or have been so hurt by someone claiming to be a Christian that they can't bring themselves to put any faith in it, by telling me that God wants me to be happy, when there is ABSOLUTELY NO BIBLICAL EVIDENCE TO BACK THAT STATEMENT UP, and Isaiah 53 states that Jesus was a man of sorrows, and there are way more passages in the gospel showing Jesus mourning or grieving than being happy. I'm sick of people telling me that I need to suppress righteous anger, about things like legalized abortion, senseless pollution to the environment, genecide, hypocrisy, and rape. I'm sick of people trying to tell me that I need to "stop hanging out with people who aren't Christians," while they only associate with "good Christian people", not realizing that the very people they're telling me to not hang out with, are the very people Christ would be hanging out with. Sure, they use the excuse of, "well, Christ was perfect and without sin, so it's different for him", but that's A) mainly just a lame excuse so they can know about God without knowing him, B) not at all backed by scripture, and C) downright bull, to be quite honest. Christ called us to emulate him, did he not? Christ spent a lot of his time with the sinners and the deviants in society, did he not? Christ called us to go and make disciples of all nations, did he not? Christ also promised us that he would not allow us to tempted beyond what we could endure, did he not (see 1 Corinthians 10:13)? So, then, how do they justify it? Where is their evidence? It's not found in the Bible, I can guarantee you of that. So, what is the real reason? I can't possibly know the real reason for everyone, but I can tell you the main reason for most: it's easier to be a hypocrite. Hypocrites know all about God, but don't know him personally, which is easier, at least on the flesh. After all, who wants to sacrifice their time and money and safety? Who wants to do things that may not only ostricize them from the world, but from a lot of people in the Church, who just so happen to have false beliefs? Things like witnessing at bars, things like what the guys at do, going to porn conventions and sharing the saving gospel of Christ with them, things like embracing homosexuals who they know, and instead of judging them, embracing them and loving them the way Christ would. After all, the Bible does say that they will know Christians by their love. I don't see much love in the Church today, mostly just a bunch of judgement. I mean, knowing, confessing, and believing in Christ IS NOT ENOUGH!!! Just read Matthew 25:31-46, which states that Jesus will say to those who claimed to know him, but didn't feed the hungry, or clothe the naked, or visit those who were sick and in prison, "Depart from me, for I NEVER KNEW YOU." I'm not making this up or taking it out of context, it's in the Bible. Also, on the day of Judgement, many will claim to have known him, when sadly, in reality, they only knew about him. Well guess what? The Demons know Christ, and they tremble in his presence! And guess what? Many have confessed Christ just so they can use him as a "get out of hell free card," and never change their lifestyle, and the Bible clearly states that "Faith without works is dead" (James 2:20). So if knowing and confessing isn't enough, what is? Repentance, which means turning away from sin. Feeling or saying you're sorry isn't good enough, people. I'm sick of people trying to appear to be Godly, when in reality, they're only using the Bible to justify their condescending, judgemental, self-righteous opinions of others. The bible says that "There is no one righteous, no not one." (Romans 3:10). It also says that The greatest rule of all is to love god, and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:38-40). That means NOT JUDGING ANYONE, REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEY'VE DONE, WHERE THEY'VE BEEN, OR WHAT THEY ARE STILL DOING!!! When is the church going to wake up people? When? I've got friends who are in either the Metal, Goth, or Punk scene, and because of the way they dress, people are not willing to see them as Christians. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if someone finds Mohawks or long hair to be handsome, it is NOT your place to judge them, or to try to force them to see things differently. Same goes for those who find dressing in black to be beautiful, or find skulls, or pale skin, or dog collars, or whatever to be beautiful. God has made them unique. Granted, we don't all have the same preferences when it comes to clothing and appearance, but guess what? It doesn't matter! God never said we had to. Jesus had long hair, dressing in black in biblical times was a way of showing mourning, collars could very easily be used to show that you're a slave to Christ, and Jesus was murdered at "The place of the skulls", most likely because with so many people crucified there, there were probably a bunch of skulls surrounding it. Oh, and guess what?

God doesn't just love Christians. He loves homosexuals, porn stars, child molesters, rapists, murderers, pimps, prostitutes, drug addicts, serial killers, and every one else in the world. So, trying to judge people, and trying to compare your sin to others, when in God's eyes, sin is sin, only makes you feel better, and doesn't change the fact that we're all just dirty vile sinners, and even are best accomplishments are only dirty rags in God's eyes. All to say, I'm totally sick and tired of all this false Christianity mumbo jumbo, and think a lot of it's a joke, especially when there are people willing to lay their life on the line to spread the gospel in China, and in the US, where we have freedom of speech, Christians are afraid to mention the saving redeeming power of Christ to their friends, for fear they might "offend them". I'm sick of it, people, I'm sick of it. Wake up, get a clue, get on board, or jump ship.

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